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Thursday 30 May 2013

EVALUATION TIME - Maud and the Dragon/FMP

Riiight, so it's time to evaluate what it is I have done for this project, what the outcome was and how I feel about it.

First item on the agenda, what I have produced?:

a graphic novel based on the legend surround my hometown and where I am studying, Hereford. The legend tells of a young girl who discovers a dragon, or in some cases, a wyvern. There are many different versions of the story, but I chose my favorite and changed it slightly, adding characters that would fit in perfectly to make the story more suited for a graphic novel.
Aaaanyway, the graphic novel is a grand total of 92 pages long, and I am planning on printing a hard copy, but also producing an ebook too :).

As mentioned, the hard and digital copy of the novel, but also promotional posters, mentioned in the previous post. All ready to be displayed in a lovely manner at my final show, along with badges and stickers to be purchased, along with sopies of both the novel and the posters.

How I feel?? :
mixed emotions, I love it and am really pleased with how it reads and how the story progresses, however  I am now wishing that I had coloured them digitally, rather than in marker pens, in then same manner I have coloured the poster, changing the colour for each chapter, as I have mentioned in the previous post. But ultimately, I feel a great sense of achievement for actually finishing the damn thing. I can finally have my social life back haha.

This post is mainly for the benefit of my tutors Mark and Neil (hi guuuuys) and will probably bore the pants off any one reading, including them. So yeah, apologies there.

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